Thursday, November 10, 2016

Blog #7 Women's Discrimination Project

Image result for Women's discrimination americaAfter doing research for this project, I've realized that the discrimination that happened in the past is still happening today and developing over time. We have made much progress though. We can get a thorough education in a college and go to school, we can participate in public speaking, we have our right to vote, run for president and so much more. But often we find that since have all of those privileges, other forms of discrimination are neglected. Before the Women's Rights Movement, women were expected to take care of domestic duties which I explained in my previous post and are still to this day expected to complete those jobs more than men are expected to do them. Some men still believe they are superior over women making them think it is okay to rape and abuse them. Just like in the past when a women could not say no to having intercourse with her husband and when men had legal custody over women. Women are still expected to dress like a girl just like when they were expected to wear dresses and skirts instead of pants. The same discrimination is still existing in modern society it is just in a different context than it was before and it is something that Americans should work towards fixing. 

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